Q. How can I easily explain what Three to Abandon is to others?
A. Three to Abandon is a non-profit who's goal is to help others abandon what limits them in order to unearth and pursue God's purpose for their life. We mentor, coach and create experiences in order to make that happen!
Q. What does the name "Three to Abandon" stand for?
A. This nonprofit was created with the theory that if we abandon the THREE things that limit all humanity - doubt, insecurity and fear - we can begin to understand, unearth, pursue God's will and purpose for us.
Q. What does the cost of my experience go toward?
A. Your funds cover your lodging, any ground transportation during the experience, food, group materials, activities, and the one-on-one mentorship and group coaching you'll receive!
Q. Are donations to my experience tax deductible?
A. YES, to all donors who are from the U.S.& Canada. Three to Abandon is a registered a 501(c)(3) organization. Our Tax ID is 47-5021548. If your donors want their donations to be tax deductible, they can donate to you online at or by check to: Three to Abandon P.O. BOX 44460 Circle City 456 N Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46244.
If you plan to receive donations, you will be reimbursed for the amount that was donated when your payments are complete. If you plan to fundraise and people don't care about the tax deduction, you keep that money to cover your small weekly payments!
***For their donation to go toward the cost of your experience, they must put your full name in the memo of the check or as a note/message while making their donation online.
Q. How can I easily ask people to donate to my experience?
A. A simple statement like this goes a long way: "Hey (friend), big news: in a few months I'm participating in a 5-day trip that will help me pursue my life's purpose. It's like a spiritual retreat and life mentoring rolled into one. It's called 'The Abandon Experience' and is created by a Christian non-profit called Three to Abandon. Would you be willing to donate any amount to help cover the cost? Even something like $20 goes a long way!"
Three to Abandon also has some tools and tips for fundraising that are available to you! Click the link below to check them out!
Q. What if donors have some questions I can't answer?
A. It's hard to predict what your family and friends will ask when you tell them you're embarking on this incredible opportunity! If they ask you any hard questions that you can't answer, we want to be able to give you that information. You can always reach out to your mentor to get some advice and answers, or, fill out the form below, at the bottom of this page, and someone at Three to Abandon will email you or call you.
Q. What happens to my funds if for some reason I'm unable to participate?
A. No worries! If you are more than two months out from your Abandon Experience, you have the chance to join another group at later date that works better for you! We can hold whatever Abandon Experience funds you have for up to a year until you've joined that other group. Then you can finish the rest your payments for the experience if you still need to do so. If for some reason you are unable to participate after leaving your original group, or don't want to participate with any of the other group opportunities offered to you, your funds will go toward helping other participants on their journey. You have two months from receiving your other group option(s) to make your decision. Under certain charitable circumstances, we may decide to donate 30% of your funds to another non-profit on your behalf! Either way, your funds still go toward a great cause. For more information on our refund/donation policy, check out our Terms and Conditions page!
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